We’ve been collecting user suggestions and bugs all winter and just published the fixes. Please take a moment to look through the updates to make sure yours was done. If not, reach out and let me know. Remove me from this Watercraft This new function allows a member (as opposed to an administrator) to remove herself from the watercraft. This is useful with old sharing arraignments and test boats. It’s a slightly dangerous function to have, so make sure if you click it, you really meant to remove yourself from the boat.The Infamous “Remind me to spend some time on my boat” notification
This has now
We have been busy as always at Nautical Monkey HQ trying our best to keep up with your growing list of feature requests. The latest round of changes was inspired by a group of users who needed to be able to create nonstandard time slots in their scheduler. Custom Time Slots The typical scenario was […]
We’re still busy little bees here at Nautical Monkey – much like you good people no doubt! Our development staff has been busier than the rest of us however – we have a slate of brand new boat sharing, member pleasing features to show off to you all. Scheduler Updates Three 8-Hour Slots: The scheduler […]
Nautical Monkey is coming up on our 3rd birthday and boy are we excited. We’ve spent the last 3 years writing thousands of lines of code, building a great resource of articles, tips and informational posts, we’ve completely revamped our online scheduler and many other aspects of our web site. We’ve been growing our membership daily […]
Our new online scheduler provides the all the flexibility you need to manage and share your watercraft including:Set up your calendar with one, two, four, or six slots per day.Swap requests allow members to “swap” a day they have scheduled for another slot they may want.Wait lists allow users to automatically reserve a slot if the original reservation is canceled.Administrators can schedule other members, reserve the boat for maintenence, or suspend a member's access.
Require users to confirm reservations. If a confirmation isn't received, the slot automatically opens up for other users to book.