Joe C
  • Joe C
  • Newbie Topic Starter
I keep receiving email messages that a reservation has been cancelled due to the member not confirming the time slot. I have immediately gone into the scheduler and see the "lock" symbol in the closed position and when I hover over the lock, the message says that the time slot has been confirmed.

There have been other instances where a "waitlist" has been created for a time slot, the member cancels the reservation, but there is no notification of the timeslot availability. If as the administrator, I try to book the slot, I am told that there is a reservation under the original (cancelled) member's name, I try to administratively cancel the reservation and am not allowed to do it.

Am I doing something wrong or is there an underlying issue?
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John D
Hi Joe - are you still having this issue after the release of the new site - the new system should take care of this.
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